Please select Coding Type and Requested Month.
\r\nFor scheduling requests within 14 days, please\r\n contact HIA directly.
\r\nUse the top section to add coders to your schedule request.
\r\nFor each coder, please select\r\n Specialties and Coding Details.
\r\nFor each coder, please select\r\n Patient Types.
\r\nOnce you have added coders to the request, you can edit their information in the bottom section.\r\n
\r\nConfirm your request and choose Submit Request to send to HIA.
\r\nTotal Records: {{getTotalSpecialtyCount()}}
\r\nNo Professional Fee Records
\r\n \r\nTotal Records: {{getProRecordsCount()}}
\r\nTotal Records: {{totalReviewRecords()}}
\r\nPlease select Interim Date Range.
\r\nFor scheduling requests within 14 days, please\r\n contact HIA directly.
\r\nUse the top section to add consultants to your interim request.
\r\nOnce you have added consultants to the request, you can add additional information in the bottom\r\n section.\r\n
\r\nConfirm your request and choose Submit Request to send to HIA.
\r\nPlease select Acute and/or Professional Fee Review Type Options
\r\nPlease input a Review Objective.
\r\nPlease select a preferred timeframe for your review to be performed.
\r\nExpand each patient type to add or delete records.
\r\nCertain patient types have different options available. Please read notes if available.
\r\nOnce you have added records to the request, please continue next.
\r\nConfirm your request and choose Submit Request to send to HIA.
\r\nNo Acute Records
\r\n \r\nTotal Acute Records:\r\n {{totalAcuteRecords()}}
\r\n\r\n\r\n Includes Pro E&M on Select Records\r\n
\r\nNo Professional Fee Records
\r\n \r\nTotal Professional Fee Records:\r\n {{totalProfeeRecords()}}
\r\nAdditional Notes: